Amber George·
3 Must Have Products to Get The Stink Out of Your Gym Clothes
Girl. You would be amazed at how many folks I have had to talk to them about top products for washing gym clothes. I’m not talking about, oh hey, my clothes are having a hard time getting the smell out, what do you use? I’m talking about, girls telling me they don’t wash their gym clothes at all in between sessions. WHAT?! You’re telling me that you just put on the same gym clothes after you sweat in them like that? IF I’M LYING, I’M DYING. I’M TOTALLY SERIOUS. I’ve had to tell them that they need to wash their clothes...
Amber George·
Have you ever been working out and all of the sudden your calf muscle decides to like detach itself from your leg and roll up your leg and sit on your butt? Okay, not really. That may have been a touch dramatic. However! How to prevent muscle cramps is actually much simpler than you might think. Let’s take a look at a couple of causes of muscle cramps before we dive into how to prevent them. And, believe me, I know this part can be super boring, so I’m going to do my best to liven up this discussion here,...
Amber George·
The Secret Blueprint for Garage Gym Setup
So, your garage gym is a mess. It's so messy that it's to the point that you don't even want to workout because nothing flows and everything is scattered. You're in the right place! Let's talk about how to set up your garage gym. Ever since I got my own garage gym, I have been adamant that the cleanliness of a garage gym is an important step in setting yourself up for success. Because, let's face it a messy garage gym isn't inspirational to anyone. I mean, you have zero time on your hands as it is. Your workout is the 30-45...
Amber George·
Is Your Garage Gym Safe?
*This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click the link and make a purchase through that link, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you! Picture this. You walk into a gym and you look around and the equipment is dirty and broken. It's so hot and stuffy that you feel like you can chew the air. Question. Are you staying? Are you purchasing a membership to this gym? Of course not. Because it's not a safe environment to work out in, right? So why would you allow your garage gym to get to...