The Secret Blueprint for Garage Gym Setup

So, your garage gym is a mess. It's so messy that it's to the point that you don't even want to workout because nothing flows and everything is scattered. You're in the right place! Let's talk about how to set up your garage gym.
Ever since I got my own garage gym, I have been adamant that the cleanliness of a garage gym is an important step in setting yourself up for success.
Because, let's face it a messy garage gym isn't inspirational to anyone. I mean, you have zero time on your hands as it is.
Your workout is the 30-45 minutes that you get in the day that is yours. You walk in the garage and it's a complete mess. Everything is strung about, and forget about doing any kind of interval training because the floor can't even be seen!
While I think this goes without saying, there is way more to this than aesthetic. A messy and disorganized garage gym is simply asking for an injury. So, not only is a clean garage gym more inviting and motivating, it's actually vital to your safety while you are working out.
Let's get your garage gym set up and cleaned up.
First thing's first. Start by clearing the floor. Drag everything out that is not part of the gym part of your garage. Lay it across the driveway, or in the yard, or do whatever with it. Simply get it out of the way and out of your line of sight. You will address that mess in a bit.
This separation of the non-gym items from the gym items helps you to better see what needs to actually be done to your gym space.
When everything is lumped together, you can't tell what actually goes with your stuff and what goes with hubby's work bench he's got in there.
SO. Do the work and get it all separated out.
VOILA. You can see the floor again. Now! Let's get that space organized so that you're ready to roll with your next workout.
Before you just start moving stuff around, measure your space so you better know what you have to work with. So grab a tape measure and measure the floor and wall space that you have.
Once you have measured the floor, then you will measure your equipment. This includes benches, rig, dumbbell rack, weight tree, everything!
Yes I know... This sounds daunting. HOWEVER. I promise you that it is worth it. Knowing how much space you have allows you to set up your equipment in a way that makes sense and that flows.
Guess what? When you're in the heat of the workout and you're looking for your next piece of equipment, if it's strung about or put in a different place than last time, you're simply going to piss yourself off trying to find it.
How's that for some real talk?
Now that you have your space measured, draw it out.
Yes, draw it out.
Draw it before you move it because when you see it on paper, even if it's just lines and words, you can decide if you like it or not. Because guess what? It's easier to move it on paper like a puzzle until than to move everything around the room 14 times.
Bingo! Done with that.
You now have a piece of paper that has your garage gym perfect layout on it.
The next step in your garage gym set up is to actually move the equipment. At this point in the process you are probably realizing that you might need some storage to make it nice and clean and not having stuff just laying around.
The below is a list of my top favorite brands for equipment. Each one of these have excellent storage options that are budget friendly and can get your space spick and span.
Now that you have everything moved around and you have it all set up, grab a broom and sweep the floor.
Don't underestimate the power of simply sweeping out the floor of your gym. Better yet, have one on hand.
I'm actually 100% serious.
When I am doing a workout, and I lay down to do a pushup or some type of ab exercise... Or sit on the floor to do a hip thrust, and I can feel dirt or even saw dust, it annoys the piss out of me. :-)
So let's re-cap.
First up, pull everything out of your workout space that does not have to do with fitness. Make it to where you can see the floor.
Once you have that stuff cleared out, you can see what you have to work with. The other non-fitness stuff? That's up to you on what to do with it. My suggestion would be to grab storage and organization for it so that even if that stuff has to be close by, it's organized and feels clean.
Next, take a quick and swift inventory of what you have and measure that. That will let you be able to draw it out and get it just how you want it before you actually move your equipment.
Third in your garage gym set up? Move the equipment into it's new home and space. If needed, grab some organization and storage from one of the top brands to make it even more organized.
Finally in your garage gym set up, sweep out the floor. Once everything is set up, take a quick broom to that floor and get that dust, dirt and saw dust shavings.
Take a step back and admire your work! Voila! Enjoy your next workout!
Want a plan that gives step by step instruction to get the results you're looking for in your garage gym? Head over to the store and grab The Strength & Purpose Method!
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