Is Your Garage Gym Safe?

*This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click the link and make a purchase through that link, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you!
Picture this. You walk into a gym and you look around and the equipment is dirty and broken. It's so hot and stuffy that you feel like you can chew the air.
Question. Are you staying? Are you purchasing a membership to this gym?
Of course not. Because it's not a safe environment to work out in, right?
So why would you allow your garage gym to get to this point?
Ouch, right?
The unfortunate reality and truth is that the majority of garage gym owners don't keep up with their equipment. Not only that, they don't give their gyms good air flow to avoid heat exhaustion.
What are some things that you can do to make sure that your garage gym is safe?
While we all know that I and this business cannot guarantee safety in your workouts, here are some ways that you can check your garage gym so it is in proper working order.
Let's start at the top!
Is your garage gym safe? Let's talk extreme temps -
First off, sis, don't be a martyr. Just because your garage gym is extremely hot or extremely cold, depending on the time of year doesn't give you license to workout in such conditions because it gives some weird sense of empowerment.
Nope, that's putting yourself in danger. I recommend two things to create some air flow in your gym.
First thing is an industrial size fan. I'm talking one that will blow some air around. Not a box fan that we southerners put in our bedrooms to simply make some white noise
Commercial Electric 24 In. Heavy Duty 2- Speed Direct Drive Tilt Drum Fan from Home Depot *affiliate link
This is the exact fan that I have in my garage right this very moment. This thing will even keep the flies off of ya while you're in the midst of your sweaty workout.
This sucker will put out some air, okay?
Now, living in a place that gets super hot in the summer, I actually have a window AC unit that I will turn on an hour or so before I work out to get the air to a decent level by the time I start my workout.
I would recommend a specific type of Air Unit, however, without knowing the size of your window, I wouldn't want to recommend something that wouldn't work for you.
If you want a window unit, measure your window then head to your local hardware store and tell them you'd like a window unit for the specs you have and they'll be happy to oblige you!
Bottom line? Get some air flow in that gym and don't be a martyr.
What if it gets super cold?
Then grab a heater!
Newair Portable Electric Garage Heater, 120V can be ordered here through Amazon *affiliate link
This guy will warm that cold garage up in no time. Then once you get moving you'll probably be able to flip the power off!
Garage gym air space does not have to be miserable, it can be so pleasant! You just need the right tools and to pay attention to how you're feeling during your workouts to ensure that you are working safely.
Next up, you need to check your equipment.
Check your rigs. Whether a freestanding or a Murphy Rig, check your rigs for the following to ensure safety:
- The bolts are screwed on tight
- The rig is sitting flat on the ground. There should be absolutely zero movement of the rig while it sits on the ground or if it gets bumped. It should not be like a wobbly uneven chair in your grandma's dining room.
- That the J hooks and safety arms fit in the holes snuggly and are sitting flat and not crooked.
Following your rigs, check your barbells. Some barbells have screws on the end of them, make sure that those screws are on tight while still allowing spin of the bar. You can even go back to the manufacturer's website of your barbell and they should have some tips and instructions for how to further service your barbell.
Check your dumbbells -
that the heads of your dumbbells are not wobbly. Wobbly bells of the dumbbells means that they could break. Replace those immediately! Girl, believe me, it's worth it to grab new dumbbells than to have some sort of tragic accident.
For dumbbells, I highly recommend the rubber capped hex shaped dumbbells. Not the ones that are rubber all the way across, just the bells are rubber.
Next up-
if your lifting pads and floor of the gym has a raised spot in it, it's time to replace it.
You need tough flooring on your gym floor.
Thick Tough Rubber Flooring Roll can be grabbed here from Amazon. *affiliate link
Don't skimp on your flooring. Thick rubber flooring cushions your joints as well as your equipment when it hits the ground. It's not something to skimp on!
Here's a list of other things to check in your gym:
- Chalk for sweaty hands
- Clips are in proper working order. No loose or broken flaps. If they are squeeze clips, that they have not rusted.
- Bands do not have any knicks out of it
- Med balls are sewn up
- Nothing should be laying on the floor. Equipment is properly stored and off the floor at all times
So, what do we take away from this? Keep your stuff in check, sis.
Just like you wouldn't join a gym that has worn down equipment and air so hot or cold that you can't stand it, your garage gym should be no different!
I also have another thought. When your garage gym space is organized and decently clean, you will enjoy your workouts more.
Here's an example. As I'm writing this, my garage gym has had some extra stuff in it while we are working to build something and it is the worst. I have not wanted to workout because there's not really a space to do it!
It's getting cleaned up within the next day and I'll be back at it. Point is, the space needs to be clean and well maintained to ensure not only safety, but motivation!
Don't ignore your equipment. Treat your equipment well, and she will treat you well right back. Get it under control with no shortcuts.
Want a plan that gives step by step instruction to get the results you're looking for in your garage gym? Head over to the store and grab The Strength & Purpose Method!
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