Failproof Steps to get Shredded in Your Garage Gym
CoaHave you ever stood there looking at the equipment in your garage and think, "gosh. I'm not motivated today. I'm not getting the results that I'm looking for and since I'm not; I am just not motivated."
Then, you either A. don't workout or B. find a workout graphic on Pinterest that looks so hard, you choose it because you think, "yeah, this is killer, this will definitely get me some kind of results and results fast."
You're probably sitting there like, girl don't attack me like that, we just met.
Totally not attacking you. It's a common thing!
You spent this money on this equipment and you're now wondering what in the world to really do with it to actually bring forth the muscle results that you're looking for.
Those glutes aren't going to build themselves, right? But how?
First off, stop using free plans and random graphics off of Pinterest.
We all like free, right? I mean who doesn't like free? Pinterest is awesome in that you can hop on there, type a few words in and with a little bit of technology magic, you are now starting at a world of recipes, home décor ideas, hilarious pictures of dogs and cats, and people claiming to be fitness experts.
Not all free on the internet is bad, I give away free stuff all the time! However, when it comes to your fitness and wanting to get visible and sustainable results, you need a real plan.
And, not just some random 30 day workout plans here and there hodge-podged together. You need a plan, created by an expert who knows what they're doing, has experience AND results to prove their process and methods work.
The proof is in the pudding, sis.
Because, to grow those glutes or to finally do a pull-up without assistance or to get the coveted shoulder caps, there has to be a plan in place with increased intensity over time.
Let's take building glutes for a quick example -
your glutes will not grow if you are not doing heavy weights on them and eating enough.
That's the basics.
To dig deeper into that analogy, you're going to need compound plus accessory movements. This is to hit those big muscles all together and then target each glute (max, med, and min) individually.
This type of specificity doesn't come from random Pinterest workout graphics nor does it come from a free workout plan you got in exchange for giving them your email address.
Not only that, let's be honest, your weird neighbor down the road who hasn't seen the light of day since 2004 and comes out only at night to get their mail could very well have created the workout that you did this morning.
Get a plan. Don't just get a plan, get a plan from someone who has the credentials AND the track record.
As I'm sure you have guessed, I have just the plan that you are looking for that is specific to your garage gym.
Second - you gotta work the plan.
Now that you have The Strength and Purpose method, now what? Well now, you gotta do the work. Because the plan is only as good as the work that you put into it.
Which, you're a hard worker, so this step will be easy. The first step is the hardest because it sucks to have to come to the realization that what you're doing wasn't working.
Working the plan includes scheduling your workouts at times that work with your current schedule.
Being a muscle mom is 100% doable and doesn't require selling your soul, I can promise you that. The workouts that I put into my methods and with my 1:1 clients can be done in 30-40 minutes. We don't do that hour+ nonsense around here. Because, quite frankly, we don't have the time. AmIRight?
We don't have time to drive to the gym. Which is why we have the garage gym, right?
Schedule those workouts in where it works in YOUR schedule. Doing this will set you up for success.
Third and final step - be patient.
While you can get quick small results, the bigger results such as glute growth takes a bit of time. That is the harsh reality.
It's like having a garden, right? You plant the seed, but it could be weeks, months, or even years before you see the fruit of the work put in.
The best results you will ever see will be small habits that you build over time. The seemingly mundane and unimportant tasks are what make your fitness routine habits and a lifestyle.
And as totally corny and cheesy as it sounds, enjoy the journey. it is SO much fun.
The patience thing is really hard. I totally get it. I want to see results right away too and not have to wait on them. The harsh reality is that real, visible, and sustainable results take time and work.
The good news is that the time will pass anyway!
While it may sound that having a plan is the ultimate take away; keep in mind that the plan is only as good as A) the trainer who created it and B) the amount of effort that you put into it.
It's a help me help you type of situation.
Let's drive this point a little bit further home...
It's like cooking, right. If you want gooey brownies, you're not going to get apples out and start peeling them while making a pie crust.. Course not. That's what is happening when you pick random workout plans off the internet. You're trying to make brownies with apple pie ingredients.
How's that for an analogy on a fitness website? :-D I'll leave you with this. The results you're looking for are there to be created, it's simply a matter of following the right recipe.
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